
Supplier Ginger Plant Business For Export

One of the spice plants that has a high market share both domestically and as an export commodity is the ginger plant because this plant has many benefits for the health of the human body. This plant is already a commodity that is very popular with the people of Indonesia and abroad and the Ginger Plant is one of the plants that are suitable for planting in Indonesia. Ginger plants have 3 types, among others, elephant ginger, red ginger and ginger emprit where from the shape and use are different, for elephant ginger is ginger that has a lot of demand and ginger for export, including the types of ginger are :

Elephant Ginger Plant

The elephant ginger rhizome is larger and fatter than the red ginger and emprit ginger species, the elephant ginger plant has a clump that weighs about 1.50-2.00 kg/clump. Elephant ginger has less fiber and is smoother and the aroma is not as strong as other gingers, while the harvest time of elephant ginger plants can be harvested when they are young or old, this depends on the needs. The content contained in elephant ginger, among others, essential oil 0.82-1.66%; starch content 55.10%, fiber content 6.89% and ash content 6.6-7.5%. Meanwhile, elephant ginger contains lower essential oils than other types of ginger.

Red ginger plant

Red ginger has a characteristic red rhizome and is harvested when the ginger is old, and has a small rhizome and weighs 0.5 – 0.7 kg per clump. Red ginger has the spiciest taste than other gingers, and has a fairly high essential oil content and the essential oil content increases the older the ginger is harvested. While the essential oil content is 2.58 – 3.90%, starch content is 44.99% and ash content is 7.46%.

Emprit ginger plant

A. Emprit ginger has a smaller size than other gingers, with a clump weight of 0.5 – 0.7 kg / clump and is harvested at an old age, this ginger has a white or yellow color with a spicier taste than elephant ginger. The essential oil content in emprit ginger is 1.5-3.5%, starch content is 54.70% and ash content is 7.39-8.90%.


Ginger rhizome has many benefits, both elephant ginger, red ginger and emprit ginger, the use of ginger rhizome can be used for various purposes, while elephant ginger is used directly in fresh form as cooking spices, ingredients for making herbal drinks as well as ingredients for herbal medicine and can also be processed dried for further processed either traditional or modern processing. And red ginger can be used as a medicinal ingredient in the form of pila or capsules, as well as ginger wedang, while ginger emprit can be useful for making herbs, cooking spices, and ingredients for making essential oils.


The market share for rhizome export commodities, especially ginger rhizome, the elephant ginger rhizome type, has a large export market share, where demand for elephant ginger rhizomes comes from countries in Asia, Europe and America, including; Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Netherlands, Germany, the United States, and France. In a number of European countries, elephant ginger for beverage industries such as beer, cake manufacturers, and cooking spices requires elephant ginger rhizome for mixed ingredients.

Ginger Requirements for Export

Ginger for export must comply with the requirements for rhizome products which are standards determined by the export destination country, where the requirements are;

The elephant ginger rhizome must be intact / not broken, injured, rotten and clean, then the size of the intact rhizome must be at least according to the standard type of rhizome and the water content ranges from 12-14% for dry rhizomes.

The type of ginger rhizome that is exported must meet the requirements determined by the destination country, because of the type of ginger requested

Exporting countries have different characteristics, market share in Asia, including China, has a need for ginger with a spicy taste, namely red ginger. in Europe and the United States prefer the type of elephant ginger rhizome because elephant ginger tastes not too spicy. Then the export specifications for ginger rhizomes to Asian countries are easier because they are related to sizes below the standard size exports to American or European countries can be exported with ginger rhizome conditions intact, not broken, clean, and not injured or rotten.

We are a supplier of export quality ginger from Indonesia, with good materials and neat packaging we are ready to cooperate with you wherever in your country, we are ready to serve and deliver it quickly and with best quality with affordable prices.